Chrono Trigger OVA

Описание к видео Chrono Trigger OVA

This video is intended for general audiences.

This is the OVA made for the game Chrono Trigger.

To answer some questions:

Akira Toriyama (The guy that made Dragon Ball) worked on this.

This video has, as far as I know, has only Japanese voicework.

There is no sequel to this, it is a promotional OVA, and had no commercial release.
I make no claim to copyright on this video, in spite of the licence used here, I had no hand it its production. That said, I give full permission (for whatever that's worth) for anyone who wishes to to rip this video off of YouTube for their own personal use, whatever that may be.

If the original copyright holder wishes this video removed, I only request that I be given the opportunity to remove the video rather than having it taken down via a DMCA notice


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