HIP PAIN ,COMMON CAUSES- Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Описание к видео HIP PAIN ,COMMON CAUSES- Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describing conditions and treatment methods associated with pain of the hip.

Pain can arise from structures that are within the hip joint or from structures surrounding the hip.
The hip joint is a weight-bearing joint. The joint consists of two main parts:
1.Ball (femoral head)
2.Socket (acetabulum of the pelvis)
Anterior hip pain (deep groin pain)
1-Arthritis of the hip
•Conservative treatment: physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medication, injections
•Surgical treatment: total hip replacement.
2-Labral tear
•Diagnosis by MRI.
•Conservative treatment: physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medication, injections
•Surgical treatment: debridement or repair.
3-Stress fracture
•Diagnosis usually by MRI.
•Surgical treatment: usually fixation of the fracture is performed. Early diagnosis is important.
4-Avascular necrosis
•Conservative cases: diagnosis by MRI. Early stages treatment includes decompression and stem cell injection.
•Severe cases: usually diagnosed by X-ray. Severe cases treatment includes total hip replacement.
•Intermediate cases: intermediate treatment includes vascularized fibular graft.
Lateral hip pain
Trochanteric bursitis
•Conservative treatment:physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medication, injections.
•Surgical treatment: excision of the bursa rarely utilized.
Posterior hip pain
Piriformis syndrome
Conservative treatment
•Physical therapy & stretching
•Anti-inflammatory medication
Surgical treatment in rare cases with release of the piriformis tendon.
Far posterior pain (SI joint and lower spine conditions)
•Injection of the SI joint is the only method to diagnose pain of the SI joint.


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