Ernst Stieberitz (1980)

Описание к видео Ernst Stieberitz (1980)

Music of Ernst Stieberitz
Album: Heritage of the March Vol III
Year: 1980
Band: Besses o' th' Barn
Conductor: Roy Newsome

This Album featured Music and Marches by Ernst Stieberitz and Alexander Lithgow.
This slide show features the Music of Ernst Stieberitz

1. Es sind die alten Schwerter noch! - “Still the old Swords”
2. Reiterfreuden - “Riders Delight” (Eine folge von Heerestrab Marschen
“A selection of trotting marches”)
3. Kameraden Weisst Du noch? - “Comrade do you remember?”
4. Fackeltanz - “Torchlight Parade”
5. Das Grune Korps - “The Green Corps”
6. An der Rawka 1914-1915 -“On the Rawka river in Eastern Europe where the Danzig 128th regiment fought the Russians”


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