PS1 30th Anniversary Stream

Описание к видео PS1 30th Anniversary Stream

tonight we're throwing down on a belated PlayStation 1 30th Anniversary Stream! December 3rd 1994 in Japan was the start of it all for Sony's gaming hardware future and what a legacy it has left starting with the incredible 'mind boggling' 3D effects (and CD audio!) on the original PlayStation. so gonna celebrate the only way I know how: playing a slew of obscure and personal favorite PS1 games all night and morning long. also since I've been all about the widescreen hacks gonna see which games look fine or not for future longplays. assuming all the 2D and pre-rendered background stuff is a no go but some of the full 3D games should work. anyway, feel free to comment in the chat or the section as always your favorite PS1 games / memories. unfortunately I didn't do as many PlayStation longplays this December because of catching up from other stuff, but as you can see I've done plenty PS1 games already and got all of 2025 to play more of em whenever the right themes come along ✌️

0:00 Pre-Stream Jams
9:00 Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere
36:00 Alice in Cyberland
1:36:10 Analog Controller Service Disc
1:37:30 Armed Fighter
2:30:00 Armored Core: Project Phantasm
2:51:30 Baby Universe
2:56:00 Dead or Alive
3:31:20 Debut 21
3:48:45 Digimon Rumble Arena
4:19:05 Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring
5:06:40 Einhänder
5:45:10 Euro Demo 50
5:57:05 G-Police
6:13:40 G-Police: Weapons of Justice
6:21:30 Gale Gunner
6:48:00 Godzilla: Trading Battle
7:06:15 Goemon: The Successor to a New Generation
7:42:35 Gundress
8:00:45 No One Can Stop Mr. Domino!
8:08:25 Extreme Power
8:21:10 Front Mission 3
8:37:55 Omega Boost
8:57:40 Megatudo 2096
9:14:15 Real Robots Final Attack
10:04:40 Silent Moebius: Case Titanic
10:14:30 Silent Moebius: Gen'ei no Datenshi
10:33:50 Mega Man X5
10:41:00 Starlight Scramble: Ren'ai Kouhosei
10:52:40 Superstar Dance Club: No.1 Hits!!!
10:57:50 Steel Harbinger

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