Zvjezdana story - documentary Women Next Door

Описание к видео Zvjezdana story - documentary Women Next Door

Story of Zvjezdana from the documentary movie Women Next Door, directed by Theodora Remundová. Produced by the Association for Integration and Migration (SIMI) and DW Agency.
Four women, four life stories influenced by the war. The documentary captures the testimony of migrant women, who in the 90s had fled from war-torn Yugoslavia to the Czech Republic. Through personal stories and memories the film mediates their life experiences, from escaping Bosnia and Herzegovina, through heavy job search and struggle to survive in a foreign country, to balancing how their new life changed their families and social status. At a deeper level, from the perspective of twenty years of life in a new home, the movie talks about what essential and often irreversible changes refugee experience can bring.
A documentary film was made within the project "Women at the Sidelines (?)", supported by the Open Society Fund Prague from the Let´s Give (Wo)men a Chance Program financed from Norway Grants.


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