John Legend - Tonight Best You Ever Had

Описание к видео John Legend - Tonight Best You Ever Had

I'm really loving this song and just wanted to choreograph something simple to this:)
As you can see, there are not much precise angles or moves for this class as I wanted e dancers to focus more in exploring their body and dancing freely to it ;)

Thank you so much for everyone who came for this class!
I'm really happy to witness those who had a CHANGE especially during their 2nd week;)
You may or may not have practiced e routine but i DO see a CHANGE in most of you during e 2nd week. Please don't stop e TRANSFORMATION;) It's really inspiring to see how dancers evolve from time to time. That really keeps me going too! Thank YOU!!

Hip Hop Int.
Every Monday
7:30pm - 8:30pm

Girls Hip Hop Int.
Every Saturday
3pm - 4pm

Follow me: @Xuehuiii


Информация по комментариям в разработке