WiiVC NTSC-U Classic Controller Stick Mapping Test

Описание к видео WiiVC NTSC-U Classic Controller Stick Mapping Test

The loading planes in Deku Palace love to snap your camera to bizarre angles if you're not walking in a straight line, so I did the testing there.

On the English WiiVC release of MM, the mapping for the classic controller stick is absolute garbage. Walking in a straight line is actually more impossible than on N64.

What I discovered today is that the JP WiiVC release has an awesome classic controller stick mapping. All cardinal notches are nicely zeroed at 80,0, and all diagonal notches (except upright) are zeroed at 78,78, whereas upright is 79,74, at least on my controller.

Not sure why Nintendo would change the stick mapping to make it worse on subsequent releases, but apparently they did. If you play this game with a classic controller, I highly recommend playing the JP version. If you play the English version, I highly recommend a GameCube controller.


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