25 Minute HIIT CIRCUIT Home Workout : Weight & Step

Описание к видео 25 Minute HIIT CIRCUIT Home Workout : Weight & Step

Try this 25 minute at home HIIT CIRCUIT Workout. You will need a weight and a step. This workout contains exercises that will target every major muscle group. Ensure prior to working out that you perform a thorough workout ensure that you get a good warm up prior to your workout.

Focus on performing the exercises with great technique and select a step height and weight that is appropriate for you.

For more workouts check out: https://www.thehiitcompany.tv

We recommend the following equipment:

Viavito Aerobic Step https://amzn.to/3Q0w5Yx

Water Bottle https://amzn.to/3xykfOZ

Home Workout Equipment https://amzn.to/3vQmLzq

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