Castle Air Museum: RB-36, Part II — The Move

Описание к видео Castle Air Museum: RB-36, Part II — The Move

Rather than joining the guys at their table one afternoon for lunch, I sat down with a nice woman I hadn't met before. As we were getting acquainted, another gentleman returned four VHS tapes to her. I asked if they were anything interesting. She said her husband, who turned out to be my boss, had disassembled and reassembled a B-36 bomber and the tapes were documentation of the process. I told her that her husband would probably vouch for me and I could possibly do something useful with them. So here I am working on a potential fund-raiser DVD nearly twenty years after the fact.

For RB-36 Part I -- The Disassembly, see:
   • Castle Air Museum: RB-36, Part I — Th...  

For RB-36 Part III -- The Re-Assembly, see:
   • Castle Air Museum: RB-36, Part III --...  

Bill & Lucille Hiller did a wonderful job! Many thanks to them as well as all who contributed to the job.

Visit the Castle Air Museum yourselves, there are fifty-one aircraft on static display including the B-36, a Vulcan bomber, and a SR-71 Blackbird. The museum is located about eight miles northwest of Merced, California, along Highway 99. You can now land at the former SAC (Strategic Air Command) base if you want to fly in.

Castle Air Museum's Web Site:

Castle's B-36 Web Site:

A powered cutaway of a Pratt & Whitney R-4360 engine:
   • Pratt & Whitney R-4360 Wasp Major Cut...  

Aerial photo of completed RB-36 courtesy of Matt Bearup. Used with permission.


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