Paladin Artifact Traits and Appearances in Patch 7.2

Описание к видео Paladin Artifact Traits and Appearances in Patch 7.2

Patch 7.2 is bringing new Artifact Traits and Artifact Appearances to WoW! Check out the new traits for each of the three Paladin Artifact Weapons and their new Artifact Appearances. All Artifacts will have a new fifty point 'Paragon' Artifact trait to pursue after you've collected the other new Artifact Traits, called Concordance of the Legionfall. That gives you a chance to proc your main stat (Intellect, Strength or Agility) for 10 seconds. More points in Concordance of Legionfall will increase the amount of primary stat granted. Later ranks of Concordance of Legiofall will cost MUCH MORE AP than earlier ones, to narrow the gap between players.

The Protection, Holy and Retribution Paladin Artifact Weapons, Truthguard, the Silver Hand and Ashbringer all gain new artifact traits and a set of Appearances. The new Artifact Apperances in 7.2 are rewarded through single-player Class Challenges. Those Challenges are said to be extremely difficult! The Holy Paladin new artifact appearance in 7.2 is called Justice's Flame. The Protection Paladin appearance for Truthguard is called Crest of Holy Fire. Retribution Paladins can unlock a new artifact appearance for Ashbringer called Shattered Reckoning. They really mean that Shattered part.

To look through Artifact calculators, check out other appearances and see more WoW 7.2 PTR info, check out

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