Why is it difficult to breathe while swimming? ☆How to swim#12

Описание к видео Why is it difficult to breathe while swimming? ☆How to swim#12

Swimming, Triathlon and general sports videos are regularly updated on my YouTube channel.

Currently, the swimming course according to the Japanese program/lesson plan has been taught at Fuji Swimming Club Vietnam.
At the same time, I also run Triathlon and swimming related seminars on an irregular schedule.

Groups and individuals who would like to cooperate with us, please contact us with the information below.

Ayusawa Takanori

Teaching experience:
Swimming/Competition: From 2004 to present
Triathlon: From 2014 to present

Triathlon Coach Accredited by Japan Sports Association
Triathlon Coach Accredited by Japan Triathlon Federation
Swimming Instructor of Japan Sports Association

☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
Fuji Swimming Club Vietnam
Mail: [email protected]

FB(FujiSC):   / fujiswimmingclub  
Website: https://www.fujiswimmingclub.com
Youtube(Ayusawa): https://bit.ly/fujiswimmingclub
Youtube(Fuji Swimming Club):    / @fujiswimmingclub4632  

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