Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Westerland

Описание к видео Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Westerland

In this scene, Reinhard(with convincing from Oberstein) chooses not to divert the senseless death of two million people. With the intent to broadcast the terrible event to the citizens of the empire- effectively illustrating the brutality and deception of the noblemen.

Oberstein, more than likely, is the number one realist in the entire cast of LOTGH. He assesses situations from a purely logical point of view. And will do anything for what he considers the "greater good".

He had neither the charisma and ambition of Reinhard nor the wisdom and likableness of Yang. Nonetheless, Oberstein was competent at warfare and a peerless logician- there were no holes in his reasoning.

Kircheis, Reinhard's right hand man and best friend, assesses the war from a more humanistic point of view. While he believes in the merit of self-sacrifice, he believes it should not be done without the consent of the one being sacrificed , or in this case, many many persons being sacrificed.

Growing up with Reinhard and harboring the same childhood dream; it was of great disappointment to Kircheis, when he confirmed the rumors of his dear friend's "unrighteous" way of doing things.

While Reinhard could be considered the most ambitious, Oberstein the most efficient, Kircheis the most righteous, I believe Yang is the wisest. I believe he'd have sided with Kircheis on this one.


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