Fibre Reinforced Concrete Solution by Hanson Fibrecrete©

Описание к видео Fibre Reinforced Concrete Solution by Hanson Fibrecrete©

Fibrecrete© is Hanson’s fibre reinforced concrete solution. It’s a cheaper and safer construction  method than using traditional steel mesh reinforced concrete. 

Steel mesh reinforced concrete has to be delivered, manually off-loaded and stored on site. The steel  mesh is time consuming to install and requires installation by skilled site workers. 

The mesh can create trip hazards across the slab area. Increasing the potential health and safety  risks to workers. And ready-mixed concrete trucks cannot drive on the sab area where the steel  mesh is installed. This restricts the pouring process.

Fibrecrete©, however, is supplied with the fibres pre-mixed. The fibre technology comes in many  forms. Plastic fibre (structural use), steel fibre (structural use) and polypropylene fibre 
(non-structural use). The fibres are included in the concrete mix so no additional materials need to  be stored on site. And because no steel mesh is installed, the ready-mix truck can drive on the slab  area allowing for easier pouring of concrete. 

There are many advantages of using fibre reinforced concrete. The process is significantly quicker  than the traditional steel mesh reinforced concrete method. With 50% time saving and 20% cost  savings to be had. Based on 1,000m2 this could mean a saving of £5,300 and 6 days construction  time.

Learn more about Hanson's Reinforced Concrete solution at


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