How to box tall cakes

Описание к видео How to box tall cakes

In this video I am demonstrating how I do packaging or boxing of my tall/all cakes.

I use the same size box as my cake boards/drums for all of my cakes n bend the upper lid by leaving a significant space between cake n back of box-if possible otherwise I keep the lid straight to provide a sturdy support for hands to handle cake properly by keeping one hand on the bottom of the box n other on the back n lid section while pickup or loading into the vehicle.

This method helps to keep cake in place while travelling or delivery and also give a nice support to handle or move cake by hand from one place to another.

This way customer can see overall how their cake look like and also cake in this packaging can be stored in fridge or freezer for later use.

You can stick a brand name sticker on front top corner to represent your brand or staple your business card for future orders n contacts.

Feel free to any questions u have in comments.


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