Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD): A 2023 update

Описание к видео Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD): A 2023 update

This webinar is designed for health care professionals and will give an up-to-date overview about mixed connective tissue disease in 2023 from epidemiology to disease prognosis.

Prof. Benjamin Chaigne is a young MD-PhD, assistant professor, working in the department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Immunology of Cochin University Hospital held by his mentor Prof. Luc Mouthon and at Paris Cité University in Paris, France. He is specialized in the care of patients with autoimmune diseases and connective tissue diseases especially systemic sclerosis, mixed connective tissue disease, and Shulman’s disease which are his area of interest, expertise and research. Benjamin’s research, for which new collaborations are always welcome, include epidemiologic studies, clinical trials, and translational works.

Dr. Kevin Chevaliers is an internal medicine resident. He worked with the team at Cochin Hospital (Paris) on mixed connective tissue disease as part of his medical thesis.


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