How to repair Yongnuo YN568EXII (TTL not working)

Описание к видео How to repair Yongnuo YN568EXII (TTL not working)

So. A typical issue with YN flashlights, where suddenly TTL does not work and flashlight only flashes using 100% power (even if the setting is set to lower power output).
Of course, TTL (ETTL) does not work, because flashlights (to use TTL) are sending a low power flash to measure how much light will bounce back to the unit (the bounced light measurement). As the unit is not able to send a low power flash, only a full-power one (1/1), it does not charge itself quickly enough to flash with the desired power [that is the simplest explanation why TTL stops working).

This Yongnuo YN568 EXII has served me well for several years and I don't regret buying it but had this feeling that it can be repaired.
I have opened the flashlight, found the part number, replaced it, which fixed the unit. Sadly due to the low quality of the part or my poor soldering skills, this worked only for a day. Attempting to repair it again ended up with me slightly damaging the PCB board. Ended up with the flashlight not working but at least I have tried

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