Gale Force Nine- The Alien Queen... is push- fit?!?!

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Did you know that? I didn't know that. Maybe it says she's a push fit model on the box and I just didn't read it. That wouldn't be surprising.
So yeah, like the title says, the Alien Queen is a push fit plastic model. I can see that being a plus and minus for a lot of people. Obviously being push fit means construction is a whole lot simpler. No glue need be involved, but I glued her together anyways as I'm not super- trustworthy of push fit models staying put together. Probably took me under five minutes to clean her off and get her glued.
To be honest I was expecting her to be a bit bigger. Not sure why either.
I'm happy to see her feet aren't molded on to the base this time around like her warriors were previously.
Now comes the fun of gearing things up for a good and proper bug hunt!

You can find the queen here as well as on LV-426-


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