Fire Investigation 101

Описание к видео Fire Investigation 101

“Careless smoking?!” the adjuster exclaimed, reading through a forensic investigation report. “But the insured told me he doesn’t smoke!”

Adjusters often call us in shock, wondering how we were able to look at a burnt pile of rubble and determine the cause of a fire so decisively. The truth is, a Forensic Expert’s most valuable tool isn’t their investigative intuition, but rather, their adherence to a strict investigative process called “The Scientific Method”.

Join us as we take you through the steps of a fire and explosion investigation using a real-life case study. Get a glimpse inside the mind of a forensic investigator and learn how they use the scientific method to navigate through a burnt pile of rubble to find the needle in the haystack.

In this webinar, we will be discussing:

NFPA 921 – Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations
The Scientific Method – Case Study
Identifying the problem
Defining the problem
Collecting data
Analyzing the data
Developing a hypothesis
Testing the hypothesis
Selecting the final hypothesis


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