Contract Controller - List or Message Users Feature

Описание к видео Contract Controller - List or Message Users Feature

With all the many types of messaging apps, we don’t really need to use Contract Controller for messaging, but there may be times when you want to send a quick message to all users who are logged onto the system, or one individual person.
More commonly though is the requirement for a user to come out of a record so that you can access and amend it. It might be that the user has physically left their pc for a period time whilst not exiting the contract they were using on and so blocking you. If you are unable to get them to clear the record, you have the facility to do this for them using this feature.
There is also the facility to completely log a user off the system, although a line managers code will be required to use this feature.

Contract Controller:
Keeping consistency through the way everyone works enables management to have a quicker and clearer understanding of quotations, contracts and finances.
Encompassing, efficiency, productivity, profitability, governance and data security.

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