Routines, Rituals, Consistency and Structure for Kids

Описание к видео Routines, Rituals, Consistency and Structure for Kids

Routines are important for your child and a sudden change in consistency can really take a toll on them. Learn more about the significance of routines, rituals, consistency and structure this episode of Julie B TV.

Here are six rules to raise your kids by, according to Dr. Kevin Leman, author and parenting expert:

1. You’re never going to be the center of everyone’s attention—not for long at least. This means that children should not be the center of attention in their families. Parents should be the center of attention.

2. Everyone must obey a higher authority. Therefore, parents should expect children to obey, not hope that they will obey.

3. Everyone is expected to be a contributing member of society. Too many children constantly take from their families without ever giving back. Leman suggests parents ask themselves if their children are ever expected to perform routine chores around the home for which they are not paid. The only acceptable answer is yes, according to Leman.

4. Everyone is responsible for his or her own behavior. A child who does something bad ought to feel bad about it. Too often parents feel bad when a child does something wrong. Why should a child accept responsibility for his own behavior if someone else does it for him?

5. You can’t always get what you want. And what you do get, you get by working and waiting. Children should receive the things they need and a conservative amount of the things they want. More children need to hear the word no.

6. You experience happiness, which is the elixir of success, in direct proportion to how sensitive to and considerate you are of others. Self-centeredness and unhappiness go hand in hand.

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