Get To Work | Every Skip You Need to Know! Pt. 2

Описание к видео Get To Work | Every Skip You Need to Know! Pt. 2

I've done it. I've made a part 2 guide going over any skips I missed or that were discovered after my first guide. This one includes some of the most important skips to have been discovered so it is a much watch!

Skip Doc:

RymoSwag: ‪@rymoswag6826‬
Kerem: ‪@KeremOR9‬
Brandwagen:    / @brandwagenosu  

Discord:   / discord  

00:00 - Intro
01:00 - Warehouse Trainee
02:13 - Warehouse Worker
05:15 - Unpaid Intern
10:21 - Wine Mixer Clench by Rybread
11:55 - MMI Corner Bounce Skip by LordMau5
13:35 - Middle Management
22:23 - Department Head
24:02 - Quintuple Edging by Jek
28:29 - Embezzle Skip by Rybread
29:36 - New Skip Ideas by Me


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