Get ready for tough Situations I Global Economy is Facing Shocks I

Описание к видео Get ready for tough Situations I Global Economy is Facing Shocks I

Despite experiencing much economic and political adventurism, Pakistan has still been unable to break the ramshackles of the development enigma. The question that keeps surfacing is why has nothing worked so far. Today, the basic ingredients of development are known i.e., well-defined property rights,
Let us have an open conversation on what is stopping Pakistan from achieving economic growth and development.
Why has Pakistan not been able to develop?
Why is Pakistan still trapped in the vicious boom-bust cycles, with the
boom becoming rarer with time?
effective judicial system, rule of law, efficient institutional frameworks, and
market-based economy, to name a few. If all the ingredients are known, then
what's missing?

Everyone in #Pakistan is worried about the economy. Whether it’s a social gathering, a friends’ meet up or a TV talk show, conversation drifts towards the economy. We all know that the economic crisis in Pakistan is a tale as old as its emergence in the league of nations. The country that was once considered to become the next #AsianTiger is now struggling to keep its head above water.

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