Antoine Beuger – Some Sounds (2017)

Описание к видео Antoine Beuger – Some Sounds (2017)

Antoine Beuger – Some Sounds (2017)

Performed by Matt Hannafin (cymbal, looper) at Passages Bookshop, Portland, Oregon, USA, on June 29, 2019, as part of the Works on Paper series.

“Some Sounds” is an extremely sparse text score that asks for “some sounds” (as well as “some more sounds” and “just a few more”) to be interacted with in four different ways: imagined, listened to, remembered, or played. Various permutations of those four tactics create movement and meaning in the piece. For this performance, all sounds were derived from the aural ambience of Passages Bookshop, plus a single large ride cymbal.

This was piece 4 of 4 in "Table, Paper, Cymbal, Vox," a solo recital for minimal instrumentation.

Recording and photography by Glenn Sogge

Special thanks to David Abel and Tom De Beauchamp


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