Microsoft Teams Advanced Tutorial

Описание к видео Microsoft Teams Advanced Tutorial

Microsoft Teams Advanced Tutorial

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Who it's for: Newcomers, as well as users looking to expand their Visio knowledge and build more advanced drawings.

What it is: Visio is a Microsoft Office program that functions like a visualization tool to show data in an easily understandable way. Most often used for data that fits well with diagrams and charts, Visio takes standard images and allows flowcharts and decision diagrams to utilize those images to explain data.

What you'll learn: To get started, we’ll show you how to easily navigate the Visio application. Next, we’ll explain how to use the drawing components of Visio and creating simple diagrams. Once you gain confidence with those tools, we’ll move on to creating organizational charts and simple floor plans. Then, we’ll tackle other drawings like cross functional flow charts and network diagram drawings. To make sure your drawings have the right look, we’ll also explore updating the styles of shapes and their connectors. In the Advanced chapters, we’ll build more advanced diagrams, with 3D and custom shapes. We’ll also dive into connecting Visio with external sources like Excel and OneDrive.

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Start 0:00
Introduction 0:03
Private Channels 1:15
Channel Notifications 7:26
Pinning Channels 10:35
Posting to Multiple Channels 12:39
Tags 17:25
Share to Outlook 20:56
Pop Out Chat Window 23:25
Scheduling Meetings & Adjusting Settings 27:20
Meeting Chat & Whiteboard 31:55
Background Effects 35:04
Sharing Whiteboards During Meetings 36:38
Ending the Meeting for All and Downloading Attendance List 38:31
3x3 Video Grid 40:18
Settings 40:55
Conclusion 42:28


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