Once a kick has been detected, the well needs to be controlled according to a predefined procedure, The 1st step in this process is to shut the well in. Well shut-in essentially means closing the well to stop the flow of wellbore fluids occurring due to the kick. This is to protect the crew from the hazardous situation, record pressures and prepare to kill the well. This video discusses the different Shut-in methods.
There are 2 types of shut in which are Hard Shut-in and Soft Shut-in.
Hard shut in: It means that while drilling choke line valves (HCR) are in the closed position; it will be opened after the well is shut in. The hard shut-in is the fastest method to shut in the well; therefore, it will minimize volume of kick allowed into wellbore.
Soft Shut In: It means that while drilling, the choke line valves (HCR) are in the opened position. When the well control situation occurs, you shut in BOP and then close choke valves to shut in the well. The soft shut in procedure allows fluid to flow through the surface choke line before the well will be completely shut in.
When one or more warning signs of kicks are observed, steps should be taken to shut in the well. If there is any doubt that the well is flowing, shut it in and check the pressures. It is important to remember that there is no difference between a small-flow well and a full-flowing well, because both can very quickly turn into a big blowout.
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