Live: Sara Sharif's father and stepmother sentenced for schoolgirl's murder

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Watch live as Sara Sharif's father and stepmother are sentenced for the schoolgirl's murder at the Old Bailey in London on Tuesday, 17 December.
Urfan Sharif, 42, and Beinash Batool, 30, were found guilty of the 10-year-old's murder after inflicting a campaign of abuse which saw Sara being hooded, restrained and beaten during her short life.
Sara's uncle, Faisal Malik, 29, who lived with them, was convicted of causing or allowing her death after a jury at the Old Bailey deliberated for nine hours and 46 minutes.
The schoolgirl died at the family home on 8 August last year after suffering a catalogue of 70 injuries which included a traumatic brain injury, 25 fractures, an ulcerated burn to her buttocks, human bite marks and scalding wounds.
In a statement issued through Surrey Police following the verdicts, Sara’s mother Olga Sharif said: “My dear Sara, I ask God to please take care of my little girl, she was taken too soon.
“Sara had beautiful brown eyes and an angelic voice. Sara’s smile could brighten up the darkest room.
“Everyone who knew Sara will know her unique character, her beautiful smile and loud laugh.
“She will always be in our hearts, her laughter will bring warmth to our lives. We miss Sara very much. Love you princess.”

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