Seaweed as a Nature-based Solution to tackle the triple planetary crisis (UNEA 6)

Описание к видео Seaweed as a Nature-based Solution to tackle the triple planetary crisis (UNEA 6)

Seaweed at the UN Environmental Assembly! As an official side-event during the UN Environmental Assembly 6, this event aims to increase knowledge and understanding of how seaweed ecosystems can support coastal fisheries, provide food and medicine, mitigate climate change and ocean acidification, and improve water quality.

Moderated by Vincent Doumeizel


🌊Leticia Carvalho, Head of Marine and Freshwater Branch, UN Environment Programme & Global Seaweed Coalition Strategic Advisory Council

🌊H.E. Paubert Tsimanaoraty MAHATANTE, Minister for Fisheries and Blue Economy of the Republic of Madagascar

🌊Dr. Vivi Yulaswati, Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Indonesia

🌊Rod Fujita, Associate Vice President Research & Develop, Lead Senior Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund

🌊Dr. Carlos Duarte, KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)

🌊Caroline Hooft-Slootweg, Co-Founder, Kelp Blue

🌊Valerie Hickey, Global Director Environment Natural Resources and Blue Economy, The World Bank

🌊Ines Schiller, CEO, Vyld

🌊David Vivas Eugui, Legal Officer, Trade, Environment, Climate Change, UNCTAD, lead UNCTAD representative in the INC on plastic pollution

🌊Sanda Ojiambo, ASG and CEO, United Nations Global Compact

Partners: Government of Madagascar, Government of Indonesia, UN Environment Programme, UNCTAD, The World Bank, UNESCO Ocean, Friends of Ocean Action, World Resources Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Environmental Defense Fund, High-Level Climate Champions, Global Seaweed Coalition (UN Global Compact)



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