Olfactory Neuroblastoma | Tasha's Story | Stand Up To Cancer

Описание к видео Olfactory Neuroblastoma | Tasha's Story | Stand Up To Cancer

In 2010 Tasha was diagnosed with a rare facial cancer called olfactory neuroblastoma which develops in the nerve tissue often associated with the sense of smell. The most common symptom of olfactory neuroblastoma is blockage of the nasal passageway secondary to the tumour.

Tasha experienced two major surgeries and radiotherapy. She had to have surgery on her face, removing the tumour near her eye. 'At one point I wish I could just take my head off and put someone else's head on.'

1 in 2 people in the UK will get cancer during their life time. Every pound you give helps speed up life-saving cancer research, bringing treatments to people who need them, faster.

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