Kenneth Koch lecture on writing poetry

Описание к видео Kenneth Koch lecture on writing poetry

00:00 Kenneth Koch introduces lecture, and talks about teaching writing in the late 50's and early 60's.
11:31 Advice for young writers: Read a lot of poetry and imitate other poets.
19:40 Don't be afraid of influence, or changes in your style.
24:13 Read the poetry of the past.
29:09 Learn a foreign language.
34:07 Make friends with good poets, for the influence and the competition.
35:53 Write a lot, and try a lot of different ways of writing.
38:50 Why people don't like poetry: Poetry is usually taught badly.
44:24 "Deep meanings" in poetry.
54:06 "Pleasure is the first sign of understanding."
56:58 Question: Taking criticism of one's work.


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