Mysterious Bigfoot Sightings: Eyewitness Testimony

Описание к видео Mysterious Bigfoot Sightings: Eyewitness Testimony

Bigfoot eyewitness Steve and Carolyn Allen share their disturbing Bigfoot stories. Steve witnessed a Bigfoot on two occasions. Carolyn's family had encountered the terrifying creature for years. Bigfoot even seems to be responsible for the killing of her family pets. Her description of Bigfoot drinking the blood of the animals matched exactly with a Bigfoot kill site that I witnessed in North Carolina. The also talk about Bigfoot vocalizations that they heard which bear a strong resemble to the Ohio howl. This is one of the most real bigfoot stories I've ever herd. Is Bigfoot a vampire? Does Bigfoot live on blood?

I hope you enjoy this behind the scenes interview with these amazing Bigfoot eyewitnesses!


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