Physics of Heaven: A Critical Review from Two Former Leaders in Bethel’s Church Network

Описание к видео Physics of Heaven: A Critical Review from Two Former Leaders in Bethel’s Church Network

Physics of Heaven has been very controversial for many years now but with the recent video from Mike Winger we decided to to read the book for ourselves. Bryan Keyser and Ian Bell are charismatic pastors who love Jesus and His Word and because of that, we love the truth. This book is riddled with back doctrine and dangerous ideas and unfortunately seemingly no one in the Charismatic Movement wants to say anything. We love the gifts of the Spirit and fully believe they are a important aspect in the life of every believer. Unfortunately most of those who has been critical of this book do not. We want to bring correction to “our team” while also promoting the culture of revival, healing, deliverance, and prophecy. Please share this video with a friend and check out our other videos! Thanks and God bless you!


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