xenia / none AVX CPU

Описание к видео xenia / none AVX CPU

emulate AVX on a NONE AVX CPU

https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/... (download the 3rd item (Microsoft Windows - Size: 26.3 MB)
You'll probably need 7zip program to appropriately decompress the file. twice
decompress the .xz then decompress the .tar file

must run PowerShell with the "RunAs Administrator" feature

then use the path to the sde.exe program, or navigate to the location of the sde.exe program

.\sde.exe -ivb -- C:\emulators\xenia_master\xenia.exe (or whatever is the appropriate path of your downloaded folder and exe)

.\ (means the executable is in this folder and dont look anywhere else)
-ivb (Ivy Bridge CPU emulation)
-- (required before the executable)

otherwise you can type in the whole directory location to the sde executable
Example: C:\downloads\sde.exe -ivb -- C:\emulators\xenia\xenia.exe


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