A Week in My Life: Costa Rica!

Описание к видео A Week in My Life: Costa Rica!

Hey guys, this video is a little bit shorter than I would have thought, but that's okay because I feel like a lot of what I want to say wouldn't fit!

Costa Rica was genuinely one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been, with some of the most amazing people I have met. I feel so blessed to have been able to serve God in health clinics throughout the week, where we saw over 200 people. Just being able to let people know that they are loved through simple services feels really amazing. Even though we went to serve others, I feel like our group got just as much out of the experience. It was so beautiful to see that even on different parts of the world, in different languages, we worship the same God. We really aren't as different as we may think at first.

I hope to get to go back at some point in my life, but I also want to see so many other parts of the world, so I don't know when that will be. But if God calls me back, I would leave immediately!


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