AWS - EC2 in Part 1 in Tamil | Skill Developing

Описание к видео AWS - EC2 in Part 1 in Tamil | Skill Developing


This AWS EC2 tutorial will help you understand what is EC2, what are the steps to create an EC2 instance, what is SNS, how to use SNS to notify users and you will also see a use-case implementation to notify users about a newsletter using EC2.

AWS has plenty of services to offer in many domains. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is one among those and is a web service that makes life easier for developers by providing secure and resizable compute capacity in the cloud. Using SNS, EC2 and S3 you should be able to do everything you want with ease. EC2 makes cloud computing simple for web developers.

Now, let’s deep dive into this AWS EC2 tutorial and understand the basics of EC2 and what are its benefits. The below topics are covered in this AWS EC2 Tutorial:

1. What is AWS EC2?
2. Use case - Notifying users about a newsletter using EC2
3. Steps to create an EC2 instance - Choose an AMI - Choosing an instance type - Configuring instance - Adding storage - Adding tags - Configuring security groups - Review
4. Using SNS to notify users
5. Linking EC2 and S3

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Please follow the procedure -

Login into the console and choose EC2 from the services under the compute list,

Choose an Amazon Machine Image -AMI

Choose Instance Type

Configure Instance

Add Storage

Add tags: Name the EC2 to be created.

Configure Security Group: Keep as default, just add HTTP/HTTPs for application webservices.

Review it and lauch.

Download the key pair by keeping the same name for the keys as the EC2 name.

Allow sometime for the instances to launch completely, then pick the IP address, User ec-user.

Use the tool – Puttygen to convert the pem file - .ppk file. Load it and download it as private key.

Login into the puuty using the ip address, user and the ppk file. Load the .ppk file as below screen shot under ssl - auth.

Switch user to root, by using below command.

Install apache using the below command.

Start the apache using the below command and test the same using the DNS url of the EC2 in the browser.

Use WINSCP tool to transfer the application files to the server, before that download the file as per the screen shot.

Give full permission to the folder before placing the application files.

Since we don’t have developer to provide the application file, download it from google under free web template downloads,

Download the Zip file from TOP CORNER of the Photo vibrant page

Extract the downloaded zip file & covert it into folder and keep it in the desktop.

Then give full permissions for the files in the folder /var/www/html as below.

Then hit the same URL of the EC2 instance, from the browser,

The page will be loaded and viewed.

 • How to install graphical Desktop in e... - Linux Server GUI
 • Video
 In this tutorial you will learn how to setup desktop and vnc in ec2 under ubuntu

 Steps:
 Connect ssh to ec2 instance.
 Become the super user after executing the command
 sudo –su – Logged in as Root user

 Type the following commands to install vncserver:

 sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
 sudo apt-get install vnc4server
 sudo apt-get install gnome-panel

 Type the command vncserver once.
 5. Remember the password you use for accessing the vncserver. Kill vncserver by typing the command
 Vncserver -kill :1
 Goto vi .vnc/xstartup and modify the file
 #!/bin/sh
 # exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
Add - gnome-session –session=gnome-classic & gnome-panel

 Press ESC, followed by :wq to save and exit the file
 Type vncserver again to start vncserver.
 Download and install tightvnc to connect remote desktop from the following link
 Now run tightvnc viewer
 Add the port no 5901 in your ec2 security group -Inbound Rule
 Write your public ip in remote host text box and port no.
 publicIp::port
 Your desktop in ec2 instance is ready and execute the command vncserver after every resta


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