Silent Disco at Dubs In The Middle 2024

Описание к видео Silent Disco at Dubs In The Middle 2024

Silent disco is brilliant, isn't it?
Three DJs, all playing different music. I usually stick with the Rock Channel from DJ Glentertainment although I have a flick through the channels every few minutes to see if I'm missing anything.. The headphones light up Blue/Red/Green depending on which channel you chose and you control the volume, as loud or soft as you like.. If you see anyone with green lit up headphones, that's DJ Glentertainment. I like Rock music but there is more modern stuff being played by the other two DJs I think they compete to see who has the most of their colour lit up.. And you can go on into the night without disturbing the neighbours. People come up to you and say RED etc to tell you there's something good on the other channel.. So there's something for all ages... If you video without, the camera hasn't got headphones, so you hear people singing.. Good INNIT? and the algorithm isn't going to get you for


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