The Wedding at Cana: Jesus Christ's First Public Miracle | The Chosen

Описание к видео The Wedding at Cana: Jesus Christ's First Public Miracle | The Chosen

Watch this beautiful scene from the Chosen, the first public miracle by Jesus Christ. Read further below to get a depth insight on this scene according to Gospel.

You can read more about it from John Chapter 2.


All videos / clips belong to the artist(s) performing them. I make no claim to them. Since I liked the content very much and its very emotional and spiritually motivational, pushing us to read the Gospel, I wanted you all to see it.
If you like what you saw please go check out their channels and other videos as well.

© No Copyright Infringement Intended

Watch the complete Series :

#TheChosen #GetUsedToDifferent #BingeJesus

It is recommended and encouraged to Read the Gospels as in this series, some backstories, characters and dialogues have been added to support the flow of scripture.

Credits to the Chosen Team as this video is not uploaded with any intention in monetising rather uploaded with the purpose of spreading God's word to motivate others.

Critic Review of this Scene according to Gospel:

The retelling of the miracle at Cana diverges a bit from the Biblical narrative in a way that is problematic. A couple of words in the dialogue between Jesus and his mother are changed and a couple of new phrases are added in. These divergences may seem trivial, but they actually alter what is central to the message that the Evangelist wishes to convey. However, it is important to acknowledge that the writers of “The Chosen” evidently had honourable intentions in the way they modified the dialogue. They were using an artistic licence with the intention of enhancing the story, of bringing it alive and making the conversation between mother and son seem less disjointed. Unfortunately, the attempt to enhance the flow of the dialogue damaged something essential.

 When we compare the dialogues in the Gospel and “The Chosen”, beginning with the Scriptural version,

When the wine failed, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “O woman, what have you to do with me? My hour has not yet come.”  His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:3-5)

Here is the rendition from “The Chosen”:

Mary: They have no wine.

Jesus: Why are you telling me this?

Mary: We can’t let the celebration end like this and Asher’s family humiliated!

Jesus: Mother, my time has not yet come!

Mary: If not now, when?

(She looks imploringly at her son before continuing) Please!

Jesus returns Mary’s gaze. We see his resolve weakening and then both mother and son smile at each other. Mary turns to the servants: Do whatever he tells you.
It is often remarked that Jesus appears to deliver a rebuke to his mother in the Gospel version. Firstly, he addresses her with the impersonal title of “woman”. Secondly, he distances himself from her even more with the phrase “what have you to do with me” (here, the RSV gives us the most literal translation from the Greek). Thirdly, he seems to refuse her request on the grounds that his “hour” has not yet come. 

In “The Chosen”, we might think, does an admirable job in smoothing over the difficulties of interpretation of this enigmatic exchange. Jesus does not address his mother with the unusual title of “woman”. He does not “rebuke” her with that strange Gospel phrase in which he seems to distance himself from her. And the mysterious reference to “my hour” is replaced with a more comprehensible reference to “my time” – which implies that Jesus is simply saying: “It’s not time yet to begin my public ministry”.

Eliminated Words

The next thing to note are the two curious words that were actually eliminated by “The Chosen”: “woman” and “hour”. It is understandable that the filmmakers might have felt unsure what to do with these puzzling terms.
As soon as Jesus speaks the words “woman” and “hour”, he is lifting the discourse onto an entirely different level, a perspective that all readers of the Gospel are challenged to take. These two words reveal that what is about to take place, has to do with nothing less than the restoration of humanity to the filial relationship with God that was enjoyed before the Fall. 

So, the chosen team did a quite agreeable but difficult job in handling the dialogues between Jesus and mother. But did a compromising job at the end. Yet, for the viewers it is again, recommended to read the gospel even if the episode shown a bit exaggerated love between the mother and son.


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