AGI in sight | Connor Leahy, CEO of Conjecture | AI & DeepTech Summit | CogX Festival 2023

Описание к видео AGI in sight | Connor Leahy, CEO of Conjecture | AI & DeepTech Summit | CogX Festival 2023

AGI in sight

Getting the next 10 years right means ensuring no actor can build AI advanced enough to risk causing human extinction. This will require continuing to work on beneficial, narrow AI systems, but significantly restricting work on giant general systems that endanger the world. Humanity should take control of technology, and steer it to ensure the future is awesome for our species.

Connor Leahy - CEO - Conjecture
CogX - The World’s Biggest Festival of AI and Transformational Tech
“How do we get the next 10 years right?“:
The CogX Festival started in 2017 to focus attention on the rising impact of AI on Industry, Government and Society, a subject which has never been higher on the global agenda. Over 6 years, CogX has now evolved to be a Festival of Inspiration, Impact and Transformational Change, with its mission to address the question.
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