Fathers as Guardians of Truth, Goodness, & Beauty

Описание к видео Fathers as Guardians of Truth, Goodness, & Beauty

Welcome to Bright Hearth, a podcast devoted to recovering the lost arts of homemaking and the productive Christian household with Brian and Lexy Sauvé. In this episode, Brian and Lexy talk about the beauty of attitude that must be foundational to a homemaker's pursuit of beauty.

Become a monthly patron at patreon.com/brighthearth and gain access to In the Kitchen, a special bonus show with each main episode!

Want premium, handmade soaps without the seed oils or other nasty hormone disrupters? Check out our partners at Indigo Sundries Soap Co., and use code BRIGHTHEARTH for ten percent off your order! Link: https://www.indigosundriessoap.com

This episode is also brought to you by Joe Garrisi at Backwards Planning Financial. Head to https://backwardsplanningfinancial.com and reach out to Joe to get started planning your financial future today!

Are you tired of all the plastic toys that are cheaply made in China? How about the greenwashing that comes with wooden toys covered in harmful chemicals yet claim they’re safe for littles because the FDA said so? Well look no further. At Rooted Pines Homestead, husband and wife along with their five young children work together as a family economy to create handmade natural wooden toys and goods that can be passed down to future generations and small batch organic and wildcrafted herbal remedies. Get 10% off your order today using code BRIGHTHEARTH10 at https://www.rootedpineshomestead.com

New Christendom Press is putting on a conference this June... and there will be a special singles mixer on the first night! More details and ticket info can be found at https://www.newchristendompress.com/c...

Be sure to subscribe to the show, and leave us a 5-Star review wherever you get your podcasts! Buy an item from our Feed the Patriarchy line and support the show at the same time at briansauve.com/bright-hearth.


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