How to Oven Roast Cherry Tomatoes (with Honey!)

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These Little Oven-Roasted Tomatoes Are Huge on Flavor.

What’s most enticing about grape and cherry tomatoes is that, unlike their big sisters, even the store-bought kind can be quite flavorful. Nowadays, most crops are grown in greenhouses and deliver lipstick-red specimens that are sweet and tangy, any time of the year.

But they’re also the very first tomatoes to appear in my vegetable garden, well ahead of the tomato season, and the plants are so prolific that they produce basketfuls of the little jewels from early summer to mid-fall. So, when we tire of eating them raw, I start to roast them!

Here, the tiny fruits are slow-roasted with honey to accentuate their natural sweetness. They turn out unbelievably sweet and bursting with their wonderful tomato-y essence.

But there is one thing that’s not too appealing (at least to my taste buds) about tomatoes, especially grape or cherry tomatoes: they become little hot, watery bombs when cooked! So, to remedy the problem, we squeeze the juice and seeds out of them before baking them. This way, there’s no watery issue; plus, their flavor ends up more concentrated and their texture is preserved.

These honey-roasted tomatoes are wonderfully versatile and make a fantastic condiment. Serve them as a side vegetable, toss them with pasta; or make a sauce or dip with them.


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