SQL Filtering Essentials: AND, OR, NOT & ORDER BY

Описание к видео SQL Filtering Essentials: AND, OR, NOT & ORDER BY

Struggling to filter your data in SQL? This video dives deep into the essential SQL operators: AND, OR, and NOT. You'll learn how to combine these operators to create precise WHERE clause conditions, retrieving only the data you need.

We'll also explore the ORDER BY clause, a powerful tool for sorting your results in ascending or descending order based on specific columns.

By the end of this video, you'll be a pro at filtering and ordering your SQL queries, making data retrieval efficient and accurate.

Here's what you'll learn:

AND Operator: Find rows where ALL conditions are true.
OR Operator: Find rows where AT LEAST ONE condition is true.
NOT Operator: Exclude rows that meet a specific condition.
ORDER BY Clause: Sort your results based on columns.


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