The Mule And The Load Of Salt

Описание к видео The Mule And The Load Of Salt


Timmy needed to take some salt bags to the market. He loaded the salt bags on the mule. But the mule was not happy. He started complaining.
“But they are so heavy.”
“They are not that heavy.”
“Then you carry them. I am done doing slave labor. I am a noble beast. Not your slave.”
“Stop complaining you lazy mule.”
“You are an oppressor, Timmy. No, you are a super oppressor. You could have become a superman. But no, you had to become a super oppressor. What a colossal failure you are!”
“Are you done talking? You should do more work and less talking.”
“More work! More work! I have been working all my life. And what do I get in return? Some meager straws and grass, while you eat roasted meat.”
“You are a vegetarian.”
“So what if I am a vegetarian? I can not eat meat, because I am a vegetarian? That’s discrimination. You are a discriminator, Timmy. There is still time for you to repent. Just carry half of my load and God may yet forgive you.”
In the meantime, somewhere else in the forest, a conspiracy was brewing.
“Mr. Lion, bad boy Timmy is going to the market. The bridge on the main road is damaged, so he will take the road through the forest and cross the river.”
“Really? Very good. I will attack him there. It will be the end of Timmy. Ha ha.”
“We will soon go through the forest. Mr. Lion might attack me any time.”
“Serve you right. You reap what you sow, Timmy. That’s what you do. You reap what you sow.”
“Stop talking. We need to be careful from now on.”
“Oh, no! It's Mr. Lion. Quick run.”
As the mule fell into the river, the salt in the salt bags began to dissolve into the water.
“Hey, my loads are getting lighter. It seems taking a dip in the water can lighten your burden. Ha ha, I am a genius.”
The next day, Timmy was taking some wool to the market. Even though the load was lighter, the mule wanted to make it even lighter. So he jumped into the river.
“What are you doing, stupid mule?”
“I am taking a dip in the water, Timmy. To lighten my loads.”
“These are bags full of wool, you dummy. They will get heavier in the water.”
“What? Oh no, Timmy, quickly pull me up. The loads are getting heavier. I cannot move.”
“Oh, no, it’s Mr. Lion.”
The moral of the story is that cleverness does not always pay, and the same solution doesn't work for every problem.
Music generated by Mubert


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