Hindley-Milner algorithms: algorithm W read-through

Описание к видео Hindley-Milner algorithms: algorithm W read-through

Today we're finally taking a look at the Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm W. Having looked at some of the wider syntax in the previous video, in this video we dig into what the helper functions are, how the algorithm should be interpreted, and how it relates back to our typing rules.

Paper in the video:
Lee, O., & Yi, K. (1998). Proofs about a folklore let-polymorphic type inference algorithm. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), 20(4), 707-723.

00:00 How do we call algorithm W?
01:20 How is algorithm W structured?
01:54 Variable expressions in algorithm W
04:18 Abstraction expressions in algorithm W
06:42 Application expressions in algorithm W
09:07 Let expressions in algorithm W
11:36 What's next?


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