Can You Extend the Probationary Period

Описание к видео Can You Extend the Probationary Period

We all know people who seem to have what it takes to make it in their careers. We see their potential, yet somehow they end up failing when put to the test. This situation appears in work situations, especially with probationary employees who fail performance evaluations.
So take this question from Angela R., and she asks us.

"Attorney, if a probationary employee needs more training or evaluation. Can management extend the probationary period?
What needs to be done to do this?" If second chances are important to you, stay tuned as we give you tips on how this works.

This episode is brought to you by "How to Draft a Probationary Contract", an online workshop that teaches owners, managers, and supervisors how to create the most important contract during recruitment. This course covers the main components of the contract, as well as tips and best practices to make your life as a recruiting officer easier. Draft your next probationary contract in minutes.

Go to hittps:// to learn more.


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