Beginning of the World as We Know It: Civilization & the Counter-Cult of Jesus—John Dominic Crossan

Описание к видео Beginning of the World as We Know It: Civilization & the Counter-Cult of Jesus—John Dominic Crossan

I may not agree with radical ex-monk and legendary biblical scholar John Dominic Crossan about everything.

But we're in full agreement about what I think is the most important spiritual and social consideration of the 21st century:

The soul-sickness we face today is deeper than what Latinized Christianity often short-hand as 'the Fall.'

It's older than what socially-forward economists would identify as 'Capitalism.'

It's more far-reaching than what political scientists would identify as 'Empire.'

The fruit of our current existential poison — manifesting in war-on-all-fronts and climate collapse — has its roots in the civilization project itself. 

But isn't "civilized" supposed to be a good thing? Not so, claims a growing chorus of anthropologists, historians, archeologists and cultural commentators. It's the sort of sweeping meta-historical analysis one might expect to encounter in Jared Diamond's 'Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies,' Daniel Quinn's 'Ishmael' trilogy, Ronald Wright's 'A Short History of Progress,' or Karen Armstrong's 'Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence.' But it's rare to find a mainstream biblical scholar who's familiar with this conversation, and adding something genuinely new and important to it. But this is exactly what Dom does in his ground-breaking books 'God and Empire: Jesus Against Rome, Then and Now,' and 'Render Unto Caesar: The Struggle Over Christ and Culture in the New Testament.'

In our dialogue we talk about how regardless of one's religion or irreligion, the Hebrew Bible and life + teachings of Jesus reflect an emotionally-accurate, anthropologically-resonant tracing of civilization's collective wound as it unfolds over the past 6,000 years, as well as pointing to potential routes to salving. 

Dom's obvious love of Jesus and Scripture, science and humanity, history and teaching are evident in his voice, clear thinking, and wise studies-in-contrast between the destructive ways of civilization and life-giving Way of Jesus and the People who formed him.

Without demonizing empires or white-washing Christianity's own harmful potentialities, he invites all of us who have been formed by Abrahamic faith to take our seat at the global table as we discern what will help humanity mature and evolve into a more loving, generous, pro-social species...because the fate of our planet depends on it. 

So please...give this important conversation a view or a listen.

If this speaks to your soul, I have some great news: Dom is co-teaching an entire course on similar themes, alongside my bestie ‪@TrippFuller‬. Drawing from hundreds of pieces of original photography from Turkey — taken in his years of co-leading biblical pilgrimages there with his wife Sarah and Marcus and Marianne Borg — The Historical Jesus: The Evolutionary Challenge of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant is launching soon, just in time for Lent.

This course contains:

5 Video Lectures
Each pre-recorded video lecture will feature Dr. Crossan and powerful visual teaching from his many archeological visits across the Holy Land.

5 Livestream Q&As
Each livestream session will feature a Q&A with Dr. Crossan, Dr. Tripp Fuller, and special guests including Brian Zahnd, Dr. Jennifer Garcia Bashaw, Brian McLaren and Dr. Diana Butler-Bass.

Online Community Group
Everyone will be invited to join the private Facebook group to connect with other participants and access all lectures and live stream replays on the Class Resource Page.

The Lectures Include:

Jesus’ Theater: Potential Anti-Semitism on Stage and Screen
Jesus’ World: How is Global Peace to be Imagined?
Jesus’ Vision: How did Tradition Become Traction in Galilee?
Jesus’ Execution: What Happened That Passover in Jerusalem?
Jesus’ Vindication: How is that Exaltation to be Imagined?

Class starts soon, but it's asynchronous: You can participate fully without being present at any specific time. Lectures and livestream replays are available on the Class Resource Page.

Church Groups and Circles of Friends: You are welcome to use this class for your Sunday School class, small group, or bands of buddies. More details available in the FAQs.

Tripp & Dom invite you to take this course for any amount — including '0' if you're unable to give. They want to make sure this important material is accessible to absolutely everyone. Go to and check it out today!


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