Genetic counseling helps families understand their options

Описание к видео Genetic counseling helps families understand their options

With genetic testing, health-care professionals look for clues about a person’s lifetime risk of developing cancer. Certified genetic counselors, like those at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Siteman Cancer Center, are here to help those with a family history of the disease or who developed cancer at a relatively young age. They can answer questions and provide support before and after genetic testing and can help individuals – and families – understand their options for reducing cancer risk.

Here is one family’s experience with genetic testing and counseling, including what they learned about an inherited BRCA gene mutation, and the plans different family members made as a result.

For more information about genetic testing and genetic counseling, or to schedule an appointment today, please call us at 800-600-3606 or request an appointment online:



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