You Shall Not Kill | Sixth Commandment | Dr. Sai Ankem, Pastor of ICEFC

Описание к видео You Shall Not Kill | Sixth Commandment | Dr. Sai Ankem, Pastor of ICEFC

Welcome to our eleven-week sermon series, "Divine Directive: Navigating Life with Ten Commandments," at ICEFC. This eleven-week journey begins with the foundational ‘Old Testament Law and the Christian,’ paving the way for a week-by-week exploration of each commandment. Uncover the historical depth, spiritual truths, and practical guidance these divine laws offer. Each sermon is a step towards understanding how these ancient directives can steer us in our contemporary lives, providing clarity and direction in a world full of choices. Join us in this spiritual odyssey as we seek to align our lives with God’s eternal wisdom.

Ten Commandments Sermon Series:
Introduction: Old Testament Law and the Christian - Understanding the purpose and relevance of Old Testament laws in our faith journey.
Commandment 1: No Other Gods - Exploring the call to exclusive worship and devotion to God.
Commandment 2: No Idols - Understanding the prohibition of idolatry and its modern-day applications.
Commandment 3: God's Name in Vain - The significance of honoring God's name in our words and actions. -- Exodus 20:7
Commandment 4: Sabbath Day - Embracing rest and worship in a busy world.
Commandment 5: Honor Parents - The importance of family and respect within the household.
Commandment 6: No Murder - Valuing life and understanding the broader implications of this commandment.
Commandment 7: No Adultery - Upholding faithfulness and purity in relationships.
Commandment 8: No Stealing - Encouraging honesty and integrity in all aspects of life.
Commandment 9: No False Witness - The power of truth and the impact of our words.
Commandment 10: No Coveting - Cultivating contentment and gratitude in a materialistic society.

Join us each week as we uncover the depth and richness of these Divine Directives, providing practical insights for living a life aligned with God's will. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay updated with each new sermon. Let's embark on this journey together, navigating life with the guidance of the Ten Commandments.

0:00 Beginning
4:16 Welcome and Prayer
6:15 Praise and Worship
24:50 Biblical Fatherhood: A Short Devotion by Bro. Pradeep
43:18 A special prayer for Fathers and intercessory prayer
49:40 Sermon

#TenCommandments #TenCommandmentssermonseries #SermonSeries #DivineDirective #ChristianLiving #ICEFC


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