Resident Evil 4 Remake Demo - Brightness Calibration (SDR) | Default vs sRGB & Rec.709

Описание к видео Resident Evil 4 Remake Demo - Brightness Calibration (SDR) | Default vs sRGB & Rec.709

Greetings, everybody.

Today we’re back with the Resident Evil 4 Chainsaw Demo on PC, to make a short video about the in game Brightness Calibration settings. I assume the same applies to console versions, as long as it is on SDR, like in previous games.

Like in the similar video I made, back in the day, for Resident Evil Village (   • Resident Evil Village PC - Proper in ...  ), this game needs proper settings for the Maximum Brightness (White Levels) and Minimum Brightness (Black Levels), and then the actual Brightness level can be set up as we see fits best for our current monitor, TV or display.

Here are some timestamps for the various modes and comparisons:

00:00 - Intro and sRGB Brightness Calibration Steps / Optimal Settings
03:23 - Rec.709 Calibration Settings
05:26 - Default vs sRGB Calibrated Settings Side by Side Gameplay Comparison
07:19 - sRGB vs Rec.709 Calibrated Settings Comparison
08:30 - More Gameplay with Rec.709 Calibrated Settings

After quite a few hours replaying this fun demo, I’m confident to say that this is the first Resident Evil game on the RE Engine that fixes the issue with the Brightness Calibration Instructions we saw in previous titles: in those games, if we followed the instructions, the Min Brightness had to be set up all the way to the left (darker) side, instead of one notch from the left, in order to make the output image not look washed out or gray’ish.

In Resident Evil 4 here, as of this demo at least, that is not the case anymore, at least for my current setup and display, for SDR that is. I don’t have an HDR panel so I can’t show you what my “correct” settings would be for those.

This time, if we follow the instructions to the letter, it seems to produce an image that looks fine, not washed out at all, in my opinion.

Once the White and Black levels are properly set up, so that the checkerboard patterns are barely visible (the step right before they completely disappear for you), then the Brightness (third step of the Calibration Process) can be fine-tuned to suit your preferences, according to your own display’s brightness levels, etc.

I have already seen many streamers, youtubers / let's players just fool around with the white and black levels and not pay attention to the instructions, which are pretty clear, haha. They end up with settings around the mid area for both steps, which is pretty bad, I mean if that looks good for them, I guess their screens have some bad calibration or settings, all of this on SDR of course, as nobody really streams on HDR.

And that is pretty much it, as usual I hope this can be useful to any of you, and I’ll see you next time : )

#ResidentEvil4Remake #BrightnessCalibration #SDR


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