Junior Engineer (Civil/ Mech./ Elect) Jobs- Punjab Public Service Commission (Punjab PSC)

Описание к видео Junior Engineer (Civil/ Mech./ Elect) Jobs- Punjab Public Service Commission (Punjab PSC)

Candidates’ Selection: Selection of candidates will be through Written Competitive Examination. The Written Competitive Examination for the post will be scheduled tentatively in January 2021.

Exact Date, Time and Venue for examination/interview will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course as well as such information will be also available in the official website of Punjab Public Service Commission (Punjab PSC) — http://ppsc.gov.in


For more details regarding candidates’ selection norms, eligibility norms and other details, please go through the official website or officially released advertisement (See Link/PDF given below).


Application Fee: Candidates must pay Application Fee of Rs.3000/- (Rs.1125/- for SC/ ST of all States and BC category of Punjab State only, Rs.500/- for Ex-Servicemen of Punjab State only and Rs.1750/- for PWD of Punjab State only). Fee can be paid through Bank only by means of Fee Payment Challan. Fee Challan can be downloaded from the official website of Punjab Public Service Commission (Punjab PSC). See officially released advertisement for more details.


How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply online only through the official website of Punjab Public Service Commission (Punjab PSC) — http://ppsc.gov.in (See Application form’s link given below) on or before 18/12/2020.

Upon successful payment of prescribed fee and submission of online application form, the system generated Registration/ Acknowledgement Slip will appear on the computer screen. Candidates must print-out it for future correspondence. DO NOT SEND ANY PRINT-OUT/HARD COPY OR DOCUMENTS TO PUNJAB PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (PUNJAB PSC) AT THIS STAGE. All the verification will be done in due course.


For detailed instruction on how to apply online, please go through the officially released advertisement (See below given link/ PDF file for more details)


Important Dates:

Closing Date of Online Application: 18/12/2020


Above given information are in brief. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advertisement

Official website of Punjab Public Service Commission (Punjab PSC) — http://ppsc.gov.in

For Advt., See following PDF file — 

To Apply Online now, visit the following URL — 



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