How to set up the boat for a day Loch Style Fly Fishing (Spotting likely drifts)

Описание к видео How to set up the boat for a day Loch Style Fly Fishing (Spotting likely drifts)

If you are use to just going out and throwing the anchor over the side them Loch Style fly fishing may seem like a black art. In this video I want to show how the boat can be set up for a day on the drift and some essential items of tackle you will need. With the help of Ronnie Christie we will show you what to take into consideration when setting up your drift.

Loch Style adds another dimension to the puzzle of fish depth and you have to take into consideration the speed at which the boat is travelling. This will dictate how deep you are able to get whilst fishing. It's a really enjoyable way to approach a days fishing and would always be my first choice from a boat. Do you prefer something different? Let me know in the comments section below.


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