The 6 Best Online Personal Training Certifications [In 2023]

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The 6 Best Online Personal Trainer Certifications

0:00 - Intro
01:54 - The ISSA CPT
05:36 - The NASM CPT
08:03 - The Fitness Mentors CPT
10:44 - The NCSF CPT
12:49 - The ACE CPT
15:00 - The AFAA CPT
18:07 - The Fitness Mentors Certified Online Personal Trainer
19:20 - The ISSA Online Coach Certification
20:29 - The PTDC Online Trainer Certification
22:32 - Online Trainers Federation
23:25 - TribeFit
24:55 - PT Distinction University
26:00 - Closing Thoughts

If you're looking to start your personal training career off without spending thousands on certifications, you're watching the right video! In today's video, we take a look at the 6 best personal trainer certifications you can take online as well as the 6 best online training courses that will help you take your business online!


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